Google CardBoard Advanced Version

Google CardBoard - Colocando tu dipositivo android o iPhone en él, podes comenzar un tour de realidad virtual.
COD: EAP90843D2
Peso: 0.030 Kg
Disponibilidad: En Stock
ARS 33505.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
Compared with the famous virtual reality wearable gadget Oculus Rift, Google cardboard looks like a stumble packing paper at first glance. However, its simplicity makes it become one of the biggest surprises in Google I/O press event. Without any special hardware, you can directly fold the cardboards into its default shape. Just putting your android device, or iphone into it, you can start a virtual reality tour.
This advanced version of Google Cardboard has more reliable quality, all same with office version and more solid.

- Headband x1
- Lens x2
- Silver ring x1
- Black ceramic magnets x1
- Rubber band x1 and more
- Bi-convex
- Diameter 20mm
- Focus Length 40mm
- Machine Cutting Mould ( Not hand-cut or laser-cut )
Google App Suggest
Escribir ComentarioOpenHacks (12/02/2016 - 09:20)
Hola Agustín, hasta 5 pulgadas debería servir (según comentarios, hasta 5.5" aún funciona). Saludos!
Agustin (11/02/2016 - 18:11)
Buenas, este cardboard para celulares de hasta cuantas pulgadas sirve? Muchas gracias!