WRTnode - Open Source and Mini OpenWRT Dev Board

Board de alta performance capaz de correr Linux OpenWRT. Posee WiFi incorporado.
COD: SE317060005
Peso: 0.100 Kg
Disponibilidad: En Stock
ARS 88026.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
WRTnode is a high performance CPU, low power consuming, cheap, and samll dev board that can run OpenWRT OS and also easy to port all open source software of Linux.
Today, more and more devices could connect to internet, named Internet of Things. The WRTnode is a small node which could connect internet all by itself and do something complicated. Such as track a cat running over, identify what you are saying and twitter it, check email and pronounce for you, learn how your room layout and find garbage to sweep while streaming camera video to you over internet.
Opensource hardware for OpenWrt
mini Linux+Wi-Fi board
easy and completed IDE
smart machines' heart
low power-consuming
complete I/Os, high performance
300MBit/s Wi-Fi and low price
Hardware Specification
MTK MT7620N 600MHz mips cpu (MIPS24KEc)
512Mb DDR2ram
128Mb spi flash
2T2R 802.11n 2.4 GHz
5-Port PHY (JTAG)
Software Feature
Based on OpenWrt BARRIER BREAKER (Bleeding Edge, r41508)
RT2860v2 Wi-Fi driver
Customized uboot
WRTnode aplci up link Wi-Fi configuration (aps/vw/nr/ia)
Luci Wi-Fi wpa patch for rt2860v2
Local dns add & wrtnode.lan besides openwrt.lan to WRTnode with the default WRTnode ip is
WRTnode additional feature (all source opened
Opencv 2.4.8
Native gcc-mipsel on mt7620 and bin-utils
Porting linino (Arduino yun) source to WRTnode
Shine: fast fixed-point mp3 encoding
And some WRTnode demo apps: opencv application demo, mechanical control demo, RESTful front-end demo and some other thing