ITEAD IR shield

Diseñado para Arduino, equipado con receptores y transmisores infrarrojos, interfaz nRF24L01, Xbee,ranura Micro SD y sensor termohigrómetro.
COD: IM140715001
Peso: 0.000 Kg
Disponibilidad: Sin Stock
ARS 65692.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
IR Shield is designed for Arduino, which is equipped with infrared receiving and dispatching module, nRF24L01 interface, Xbee interface, Micro SD slot and temperature and humidity sensor. With this IR shield, you can intelligentize your home by making a DIY monitor for indoor temperature and humidity or a controller for IR home appliances such as air-condition and television.
- Compatible for 5/3.3V main board
- Micro SD card slot
- Xbee interface