
USB Audio Adapter - Works with Raspberry Pi

USB Audio Adapter - Works with Raspberry Pi

Adaptador de audio USB

COD: D001475

Peso: 0.100 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 18966.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



The Raspberry Pi has an on-board audio jack, which is super handy for all kinds of sound effects and speech, just plug and go! However, for when you want better audio for music playback, a USB audio card can greatly improve the sound quality and volume. That's because the on-board audio is generated by a PWM output and is minimally filtered. Don't get us wrong, it's a great thing to have audio on board but this USB audio card will make it even better. 

We like this particular dongle for not being too bulky, you can plug it in without blocking the secondary USB port. It also works great with a Raspberry Pi once the firmware has been updated on the Pi. We've tested it successfully with Raspbian, but we don't have tutorials for any other OS's. Updating the firmware requires Internet access on the Pi and takes about 15 minutes. 

At this time we have a tutorial for setting it up for audio output, we don't recommend it if you need Mic input. 

This device also works great with Windows machines and should also function for Macs, but we are carrying it specifically for Pi usage.


  • Wire Length: 139.7mm / 5.5"
  • Audio Card Dimensions: 43.76mm / 1.72" x 23.19mm / 0.91" x 11.97mm / 0.47"

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OpenHacks (18/04/2016 - 16:49)

Hola Javier, de momento no tenemos. Te avisaremos por correo cuando ingrese a stock. Saludos!

javier (15/04/2016 - 07:46)

Tienen stock?

OpenHacks (22/09/2015 - 17:07)

Hola Guillermo, haremos un pedido proximamente. Te avisaremos ni bien ingresen! La demora podría ser de aprox. 45 días. Saludos!

Guillermo (18/09/2015 - 16:55)

Estimados, alguna idea de cuando tendran stock de este dispostivo? Saludos

OpenHacks (08/06/2015 - 16:28)

Si Pablo, debe servir. Nuestro proveedor dice: "This device also works great with Windows machines and should also function for Macs, but we are carrying it specifically for Pi usage". Así que no deberías tener problemas. Saludos!

Pablo (08/06/2015 - 10:55)

Sirve tambien para Pc y Notebook?