
Ultrasonic Smart Car Kit

Ultrasonic Smart Car Kit

Kit para armar auto inteligente!


Peso: 0.516 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 103036.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento


Remote Ultrasonic Ranging smart car features:

1. Modular hardware approach, easy to understand and learn.

2. Using ARDUINO programming practices, procedures easy to understand , not very professional knowledge can read the original code , it can be modified to make the different functions of the smart car.

3. New generation of  Funduino controllers do master, one can achieve remote control, obstacle avoidance, distance measurement , display, plus a drive motor and steering functions.

4. Development of strong, smart car platform is a very simple thing , but we can through an external sensor , or functional modules , turning it into a different smart car , such as fire-fighting robots, rescue smart car , WIFI wireless robots, and so on. 

RemoteUltrasonic RangingSmart CarList :

1. red  Funduino board *1

2. I2C LCD1602LCD display*1

3. Blue 9g servo* 1

4. PTZ* 1

5. ultrasonic ranging module*1

6. infrared remote control receiver*1

7. miniinfrared remote control* 1

8. amotor drive module*

9. thegear motor*2

10. 18650battery *2(battery can notbe transported, the packagedoes not includebattery)

11 .18650battery box*1

12. USBdata cable*1

13. DuPontlines* 30

14. 3 x40mmpillars* 3

15. 3 x10mmstuds* 16

16. caster* 1

17. 3 * 6MMscrew* 36

18. 3 MMNut *10

19. 3 * 10MMScrew* 6

20. motorfixing plate* 4

21. the motor screws* 4

22. Wheels*2



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