
NFC Bridge

NFC Bridge

Puente NFC con interfaz XBee, basada en el módulo PN532 y en el ATmega32U4.

COD: EF01014

Peso: 0.022 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 63293.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento


Bridge Series based on Arduino is a totally new and extremely hot product series, released by ElecFreaks in 2013. Some of them are compatible to Arduino interface, and some others are designed for unique development environments. They are highly characteristic by the bridging role, bridging wireless communications, bridging to the Internet, bridging to various interfaces such as XBee, RF, SD card, NFC, WIFI and so on. 

NFC Bridge is a very unique Arduino board, mainly composed of PN532 module, mainboard control module ( ATmega32U4�?and XBEE interface. Based on NFC Module, NFC Bridge adds mainboard control module and XBEE interface, which is convenient in practical use because it is not necessary to connect to mainboard. In addition, NFC Bridge also adds wireless transmission function, besides, in order to take full advantage of ATmega32U4 hosted ic, we also spared interface on the hosted analog port. 


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