
EasyVR 3 Module

EasyVR 3 Module

Módulo de reconocimiento de comandos de voz multilenguaje. Posee interfaz UART 3.3V/5V pudiéndose adaptar a diferentes micros.


Peso: 0.010 Kg

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ARS 67329.00


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EasyVR 3

The EasyVR 3 is a multi-purpose speech recognition module designed to easily add versatile, robust and cost effective speech recognition capabilities to almost any application.

The EasyVR 3 module can be used with any host with an UART interface powered at 3.3V – 5V, such as PIC and Arduino boards. Some application examples include home automation, such as voice controlled light switches, locks, curtains or kitchen appliances, or adding “hearing” to the most popular robots on the market.

It can be easily plugged into a solder-less breadboard or standard prototyping board, and it is compatible with the mikroBUS™ specifications (see

Separate male headers are provided inside the package, along with a microphone cable assembly and speaker wires (loudspeaker not included).

Main Features

  • Up to 32 user-defined commands, sub-divided in up to 15 Speaker Dependent (SD) groups, 1 SD trigger and 1 Speaker Verification (SV) group of max 5 commands, that can be trained in ANY language [1].
  • A selection of 26 built-in Speaker Independent (SI) commands for ready-to-run basic controls, in the following languages:
    • English (US)
    • Italian
    • German
    • French
    • Spanish
    • Japanese
  • With the optional Quick T2SI Lite license, up to 28 custom Speaker Independent (SI) command vocabularies, with up to 12 commands each [2], for a total of 336 possible commands.
    Supported languages:
    • US English
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Mandarin
    • Spanish
      Please note: The Quick T2SI Lite license registration code is sold separately and is available for sale from your distributor or directly from us: please send an email to our sales if you are interested.
  • SonicNet technology for wireless communications between modules or any other sound source (Audio CD, DVD, MP3 Player).
  • Up to 22 minutes of pre-recorded sounds or speech [3].
  • DTMF tone generation.
  • Differential audio output that directly supports 8 ohms speakers.
  • Easy-to-use Graphical User Interface to program Voice Commands and audio.
  • Standard UART interface (powered at 3.3V – 5V).
  • Simple and robust documented serial protocol to access and program through the host board.
  • 6 General purpose I/O lines that can be controlled via UART commands.
  •  [NEW!!!] Starting with firmware Revision 1, up to 32 audio messages can be recorded on the fly, for a total of about 120 seconds.

[1] SD/SV commands are entirely user-defined and they are intended to work only with the voice that trained them. SD only tries to match the trained words, while SV also tries to match the characteritics of the voice and to prevent use by unkown people (voice password).

[2] SI commands are meant to work with any people in the same language group and do not require training. A few pre-defined commands can be directly used, while additional commands can be created with a QuickT2SI™ Lite license (sold separately).

[3] At the maximum compression rate.EasyVR 3 (assembly example – speaker not included)


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