
Banana Pi BPI-D1 open-source IP camera

Banana Pi BPI-D1 open-source IP camera

Placa de desarrollo Banana PI BPI-D1 con mini camara HD incorporada; incluye cable que transforma interfaz micro USB a USB.

COD: FUT9035

Peso: 0.050 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 72076.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



 The BPI-D1 is the smallest open-source development board around, with a built-in HD mini camera. At36mm (w) x36mm (l) and weighing in at 10g, it’s much smaller and lighter than any mini-cam or camera board out there. It allows you to create and customize your own mini-cam and can be a valuable part of any cool hardware you are working on. The D1 prides itself on providing high-resolution image quality: Both video and photos are captured at 1280x720p with a video capture rate of 30 fps.

The BPI-D1 is designed specifically to give you all the multimedia tools you need in one small package. Simply connect to an external battery source (with your desired power capacity), and the D1 does the rest: there’s a HD mini-cam, audio sensor, microphone, CPU, GPIO, WiFi, and more - you name it, the D1 has it.


hardware spec:



GPIO define



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Galería de Imágenes


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