
Monk Make Servo Six Board


Esta placa simplifica el proceso de conectar hasta 6 servomotores a una RaspberryPi o Arduino

COD: SE114990587

Peso: 0.010 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 24150.00


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The Servo Six board simplifies the process of connecting up to six servo motors to a Raspberry Pi or Arduino.


  • Screw terminals for servo power supply
  • Reverse-polarity protection for the servo power supply
  • 470µF 16V capacitor for servo supply
  • 470Ω current limiting resistors for servo control lines (to protect GPIO pins)
  • Power indicator LED


For use with Raspberry Pi, we have created a Python library based on Richard Hurst’s ServoBlaster code. You can download the Servo Six Python library from Github. This allows accurate servo positioning with a nice easy to use Python interface.

You will find full documentation for the library in the Github repository. When using the Servo Six with an Arduino, you can just use the standard Arduino Servo library.

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