
IR Infrared Signal Forwarder Decoder EDIR


Decodificador de señales IR; la señal decodificada se obtiene como salida Serial/UART. Dispone además de un LED IR para reenviar la señal decodificada.


Peso: 0.010 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 6814.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento


Product Description

  • Decode most infrared singal in market, up to 99% devices can be decoded. Not only standard NEC protocol, but most of rest.
  • Domestic appliances including TVs, TV top set box, air conditioner, fans, etc.
  • Serial/UART output of decoded signal.
  • Direct send decoded signal to the devices to control. Great partner for IOT project.

Board Features:

  • Based on common type C51 MCU STC15F104,  standard and mature solution.
  • IR transmistter with contstant current, more stable output signal. Slightly different with provided schematic.
  • IR receiver use 38Khz integerated 0038 receiver. (Fixed version)
  • Wide range power supply 2.5V-5.5V, work mode: ≤20mA; standby ≤0.5uA;
  • Standard serial/UART interface: bard rate 9600, 1, 8, N, 1
  • Simple Pin definition: Power VCC, GND, TXD, RXD
  • Application: Infrared forwarder, transmistter, infrared adapter, universal remote control, remote control switches, smart appliances.


  • Fixed frequency mode can sense most device, command is FA FD.

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