NodeMCU LUA Amica R2 |ESP8266 Wifi Board
Módulo NodeMcu LUA AMICA versión R2, basado en el famoso ESP8266, ideal para proyectos de IoT (Internet of Things).
Peso: 0.002 Kg
Disponibilidad: En Stock
ARS 15737.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
Product Description
- Based on ESP-12E ESP8266 wifi board
- All I/Os output
- No need to press reset/flash for programming
- Open source support:
- R2 version had CP2102 USB-TTL instead, larger current support, slim board can put on breadboard.
- Support windows 8.1 by CP2102, and support ESPlorer
- NO need to install driver for CH341 (replaced by CP2102), and NO need to flash firmware when you get it and use on first time. This is different with version R1.
- To use on the first time, NO need to flash the firmware, run command file.remove(“user.lua”)
- High quality USB cable is needed for this board to give high current supply, otherwise your board won’t be recognized