RGB Matrix Panel Drive Board For Raspberry Pi

Placa driver de panel matricial RGB para Raspberry Pi 2 y 3.
Peso: 0.050 Kg
Disponibilidad: Sin Stock
ARS 8753.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
Based on the active adapter board of hzeller RPI matrix git project, full compatible and extra functions added.
Support up to three port output to drive, P0, P1 and P2 (HUB75).
Support Raspberry Pi 2 and 3, most pins used for matrix driving.
Support E-line select pins.
On board four logic buffer 74HCT245
Extra on board RTC DS1307 via IIC interface, can not be used on same time with P3 port, select by switch.
Extra on board AT24C256 EEPROM, 256K memory on alternative IIC 25 and 26 pins. Raspberry PI 3 can NOT support alternative IIC interface, so can only be used Raspberry Pi 2.
Full compatible with original board.
Package does NOT include the CR1220 battery, which is not allow due to airplane security reason.