


ESP-WROVER-KIT es una placa que tiene una memoria de 4.5 MB RAM y un procesador Dual-Core de 240 Mhz. Posee interfaz para tarjeta MicroSd, interfaz para camara VGA, etc. Incluye un display conectado al módulo.


Peso: 0.150 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 91453.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



Targets the high performance requirements with 4.5 MB of RAM and a dual core 240 MHz CPU.

Create Internet cameras, smart displays or Internet radios with this highly integrated ultra low power module by connecting LCDs, cameras, microphones and codecs to it.

The esp rover kit is a comprehensive board support most important ESP32 features:

LCD, VGA camera, high speed SD card, etc connectors.
SRAM for IoT applications. The board use ESP32-Rover module, which has SRAM inside, as well as normal program flash.
The board carries an advanced multi-protocol USB bridge (the FTDI FT2232HL), enabling developers to use USB-JTAG directly to debug the ESP32.
One on board one RGB LED, 5V external power supply, two press buttons.


Official documents page here

Wiki start guide

Mora data and examples

Galería de Imágenes


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