
Orange Pi IOT 2G+WIFI+BT


OFERTA HASTA AGOTAR STOCK Computadora Orange Pi IOT 2G- IOT que ideal para proyectos de IoT. Incluye Wi-Fi, Bluetooth y comunicación 2G on-board. Puede correr Android. 4.4, Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian image.


Peso: 0.150 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 40807.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



Notice mirror OS only support 8GB class 10 SD TF class, LCD connector need specfic type, will be avaialble soon.

It’s an open-source single-board computer. It can run Android 4.4, Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian image. It uses the RDA8810 Soc, and has 256MB LPDDR2 SDRAM.

Board support 2G GSM/GPRS
Support Wifi + Bluetooth
On Board RDA 8810PL ICs. ARM A5-32bit.

What can I do with Orange Pi 2G-IOT?


  • A computer
  • A wireless server
  • Games
  • Music and sounds
  • HD video
  • A speaker
  • Android
  • Scratch

Pretty much anything else, because Orange Pi 2G-IOT is open source

Who’s it for?

Orange Pi 2G-IOT is for anyone who wants to start creating with technology – not just consuming it. It’s a simple, fun, useful tool that you can use to start taking control of the world around you.


Official Web Site:

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