Raspberry Pi Starter Learning Kit
Excelente kit para iniciarse en el mundo de Raspberry. Incluye una gran variedad de componentes (sensores, cables, módulos, etc) para llevar a cabo numerosos proyectos. No incluye la Raspberry Pi.
Peso: 0.250 Kg
Disponibilidad: Sin Stock
ARS 87645.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
Content Listing:
- 1 1x Triaxial Accelerometer Sensor Module (ADXL345).
- 2 1x DHT-11(Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensor).
- 3 1x Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module.
- 4 1x PIR Movement Sensor.
- 5 1x PS2 Joystick Module.
- 6 1x LCD1602.
- 7 1x Servo.
- 8 1x Stepper Motor.
- 9 1x Stepper Motor Driver Module (Based on ULN2003A).
- 10 1x ADC0832.
- 11 1x L9110 motor driver.
- 12 1x DC Motor.
- 13 1x 4*4 Matrix Keyboard.
- 14 1x Breadboard Power Supply Module.
- 15 1x 40 pin GPIO Extension Board.
- 16 1x 40 pin GPIO Cable.
- 17 2x Light Sensor (Photoresistor).
- 18 2x Analog Temperature Sensor (Thermistor).
- 19 1x Relay.
- 20 1x Active Buzzer.
- 21 1x Passive Buzzer.
- 22 1x 7-Segment Display.
- 23 1x 4-bit 7-segment Display.
- 24 1x LED Bar Graph Display.
- 25 1x Dot-matrix Display.
- 26 2x 74HC595.
- 27 2x Switch.
- 28 1x RGB LED.
- 29 8x Red LED.
- 30 4x Green LED.
- 31 4x Yellow LED.
- 32 4x Blue LED.
- 33 4x Button (large).
- 34 5x Button (small).
- 35 1x Button cap (red).
- 36 1x Button cap (white).
- 37 2x Button cap (blue).
- 38 16x Resistor (220Ω).
- 39 10x Resistor (1kΩ).
- 40 10x Resistor (10kΩ).
- 41 2x Potentiometer (10KΩ).
- 42 5x Capacitor (104).
- 43 4x Capacitor (10uF).
- 44 2x 1N4148 Diode.
- 45 2x 1N4001 Diode.
- 46 4x NPN Transistor (8050).
- 47 4x PNP Transistor (8550).
- 48 1x Breadboard.
- 49 40x Male to Male Jumper Wires.
- 50 20x Male to Female Jumper Wires.
- 51 20x Female to Female Jumper Wires.
- 52 1x Header (40pin).
- 53 1x Band Resistor Card.
- 54 1x Project Box.