
MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display

MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display For Arduino

Matriz compuesta por 4 displays de 8x8 leds compatible con Arduino. Permite la conexión en cascada de displays del mismo tipo. Se alimenta con 5v. Ideal para proyectos de tipo DIY, entre ellos carteles y letreros electrónicos.

COD: HTHR0214-76A

Peso: 0.050 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 19948.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



A single module can drive a 8x8 dot matrix common cathode.
Working voltage: 5V.
Module size: 12.8 x 3.2 x 1.3 cm (L*W*H).
With 64 fixing screw holes, hole diameter: 3mm.
Module with input and output interfaces, support for cascading multiple modules.



1. The left side of the module is the input port, and the right is the output port.
2. Control of a single module, the input port only need to receive CPU.
3. The more a module cascade and input end of the first module is connected with the CPU and input end of the input end of the output end is connected to the second module, output terminal of the second module connected with the three modules, and so on.

For example: 51 SCM

  • VCC→5V
  • DIN→P2.2
  • CS →P2.1
  • CLK→P2.0

Package included:

  • 1 x MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module.
  • 1 x 5pin Dupont Cable.

MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display For Arduino

MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display For Arduino

MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display For Arduino

MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display For Arduino

MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display For Arduino

MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module 4-in-1 Display For Arduino

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