DFRduino M0 Mainboard (Arduino Compatible)

El DFRduino M0 es un Microcontrolador de alta Performance de 32 bits / 72 MHz basado en el ARM Cortex-M0 . Dispone de 31 pines Digitales y 6 Analógicos además de contar con 2 UART y permitir hasta 4 interrupciones externas. Puede programarse con el IDE de Arduino. En cuanto al mapeo de pines, resulta compatible con el Arduino Leonardo.
COD: DFR0392
Peso: 0.030 Kg
Disponibilidad: En Stock
ARS 36289.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
DFRduino M0 is the first 32-bit Arduino microcontroller based on ARM Cortex-M0 core that supports 5V logic.
If you use a standard UNO-compatible microcontroller in a project, do you ever find that GPIO and processing performance is underwhelming? Upgrading to a Mega style microcontroller is too expensive, and Arduino ZERO/M0 doesn’t support 5V logic. These problems are solved with the DFRduino M0.
The DFRduino M0 uses a Nuvoton high-performance 32-bit microcontroller as the processing core with integrated ARM Cortex M0 architecture, supports 5V logic, includes a USB port and two hardware serial ports with 31 digital pins (partial multiplexing) and 6 analog pins. It is compatible with Arduino Leonardo pin mappings and has more I/O resources and more powerful processing capacity.
In addition,, the DFRduino M0 extended features an IIS interface to support playback of wav files. With a professional IIS chip, you can enjoy HiFi audio experience.
Note: Due to the different control chip, DFRduino M0 is totally different to the official Arduino M0 microcontroller. Please see the wiki for more information.
- Microcontrollers: Nuvoton NUC123ZD4AN0 (Cortex M0)
- Clock Speed: 72MHz
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Recommended Input Voltage: 7-12V
- Limit input voltage: 6-20V
- Digital I/O Pins: 31
- Analog input Pins: 6
- External Interrupt: 4
- SRAM: 20K
- Flash: 68K (12 KB of which is allocated to bootloader, 55K used by the user code area, 1K used by EEPROM)
- SPI: 1 port (D14, D15, D16)
- IIC / I2C: 1 port (D2, D3)
- USB serial port: 1 (Serial)
- Physical serial port: 2 (Serial1, Serial2) Serial1 0 (Rx1) and 1 (Tx1) Serial2 24 (Rx2) and 25 (Tx2)
- Xbee interface: 1 (Serial1)
- Size: 68 x 53 mm/ 2.68 x 2.09”
- Weight: 30g
Board Overview:
DFRduino M0 Pins | IC pin | Multiplex | Note |
D0 | PC4 | RXD1 | INT2 |
D1 | PC5 | TXD1 | INT3 |
D2 | PF2 | SDA | INT0 |
D3 | PF3 | SCL | INT1 |
D4 | PC0 | I2S LRCLK | / |
D5 | PC3 | PWM0 | / |
D6 | PA13 | PWM1 | / |
D7 | PC2 | I2S DI | / |
D8 | PC3 | I2S DO | / |
D9 | PA14 | PWM2 | / |
D10 | PA15 | PWM3 | / |
D11 | PB8 | PWM4 | Software PWM |
D12 | PC1 | I2S BCLK | / |
D13 | PB14 | PWM5 | Software PWM |
D14 | PA10 | SPI MISO | / |
D15 | PA11 | SPI SCK | / |
D16 | PC11 | SPI MOSI | / |
D17 | PB6 | RX LED | / |
D18 | PD0 | A0 | / |
D19 | PD1 | A1 | / |
D20 | PD2 | A2 | / |
D21 | PD3 | A3 | / |
D22 | PD4 | A4 | / |
D23 | PD5 | A5 | / |
D24 | PB4 | RXD2 | RX2 |
D25 | PB5 | TXD2 | TX2 |
D26 | PC10 | NULL | / |
D27 | PC9 | NULL | / |
D28 | PC13 | NULL | / |
D29 | PC12 | NULL | / |
D30 | PB9 | NULL | / |
D31 | PB10 | NULL | / |
D32 | PB7 | TX LED | / |
DFRduino M0 Mainboard (Arduino Compatible) x1