Programming Kit for Micro:Bit
Kit de programación basado en la placa de desarrollo micro:bit (programable en MicroPython) que integra Bluetooth, Acelerómetro/Magnetómetro, puerto Usb, conector para batería, sensor de temperatura, entre otros! (consultar links para tutoriales y ejemplos). El kit incluye además una gran variedad de sensores y accesorios que lo hace ideal para proyectos DIY (házlo tú mismo), de Experimentación, o Educativos.
Peso: 0.250 Kg
Disponibilidad: Sin Stock
ARS 165360.00
El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento
Kit for micro:bit Lab Pack. The SIKs inside the Lab Pack have everything you need, including micro:bits, connector breakouts, breadboards and all the cables and accessories to hook up all the projects listed in our online Experiment Guide.
The kit does not require any soldering and is recommended for all users, from beginners to engineering students. We have provided a complete Experiment Guide in the Documents tab for you to check out now! If you are new to teaching electronics or have taught with the original SparkFun Inventor’s Kit and are looking for something new, the SIK for micro:bit is the perfect kit for you!
The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that lets you get creative with digital technology. Between the micro:bit and our shield-like bit boards you can do almost anything while coding, customizing and controlling your micro:bit from almost anywhere! You can use your micro:bit for all sorts of unique creations, from robots to musical instruments and more. At half the size of a credit card, this versatile board has vast potential!
- micro:bit board *1
- micro:bit extension board *1
- micro:bit USB cable *1
- micro:bit acrylic plastic *1
- 400 point breadboard *1
- Two Color LED Module *1
- RGB-LED Module *1
- 7 Colour Flashing LED Module *1
- 1 Channel Relay Module *1
- Laser Head Sensor Module *1
- Button Key Switch Sensor Module *1
- SW520D Golden Angle sensor module *1
- SW-420 Motion Sensor Module *1
- Infrared Remote Control Receiving Module *1
- Active Buzzer Module *1
- Passive Buzzer Module *1
- Beam Photoelectric Sensors Infrared Shooting *1
- TM1637 LED Display Clock Module *1
- Raindrops Sensor *1
- Dual-axis XY Joystick Module *1
- Adjustable Potentiometer Module *1
- Temperature Sensor Module *1
- Sound Detection Sensor Module *1
- Hall Switch Motor Module *1
- Light Dependent Resistor module *1
- 3Pin Flame Sensor Module *1
- Smoke Gas Sensor Module *1
- Remote Control *1
- Touch Module *1
- Ultrasonic Sensor Module *1
- Plastic Box *1
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Module *1
- Rotary Encoder Module *1
- Fan kit *1
- SG90 servo *1
- 40P M-F Dupont Cable *1
- Jumper Wire *1
- DHT11 Sensor Module *1
- Infrared Tracing Obstacle Sensor *1
- SSD1306 OLED Module *1
- BMP180 Module *1
- BH1750 Light Intensity Illumination Module *1
- DS1302 Real Time Clock Module *1
- Tracking Sensor Module *1
Documents and Tutorials:
- Experiment Guide
- micro:bit Getting Started Guide
- micro:bit Page
- About micro:bit
- micro:bit Hardware
- micro:bit Apps