
LY-2546B PV Connector Crimping Tool

LY-2546B MC4 Solar Crimping Tool

Pinza crimpeadora para los conectores empleados en las instalaciones de paneles solares. Posee un rango de 2.5-6 mm2 (calibre 14-10 AWG). Herramienta indispensable para instalación de paneles solares, entre otras aplicaciones.


Peso: 0.600 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 37397.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



  • Function: For crimping connectors, solar pv cables.
  • Crimping range: 2.5-6mm2.
  • AWG: 14-10.
  • Length: 220mm.
  • Weight: 0.6kg.



· Hardened and durable steel construction for years of reliable services.

· The design of accurate crimping moulds and complete locking ensure high of crimping quality when crimping repeatedly.

· High transmission of force to reduce the working fatigue according to lever control.

· Portable style with perfect handle gripping position,light weight, logical sructure and perfect handle shape design matching human being engineering principle,it guarantees perfect crimping effect .

· It's easy to operate while using pliers,just insert the top into its position and press it.

· Self locking and releasing mechanic unit.


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