
IIC TO GPIO module

IIC TO GPIO module

Módulo de expansión I/O con comunicación I2C

COD: DFR0013

Peso: 0.012 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 23798.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



When Arduino is used for robots or interactive media, digital IO port is always found not enough? IIC now turn I / O modules to help you solve the problem, Arduino only two data lines (SCL-Analog PIN5, SDA-Analog PIN4) and IIC can transfer I / O module communication, to convert the 16 digital IO ports, read-write. 8 simultaneous parallel modules, each module can be set to address.


  • Module power supply: +5 V
  • 16 Digital IO port comes with internal pull-up
  • Can be set to eight addresses (address range of 0x20 ~ 0x27)
  • 8 modules simultaneously in parallel (IIC bus need to pull together)
  • Module Size: 42x40mm


Shipping List

  • IIC To GPIO Module(1 unit)


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