Arduino GPS Shield NEO-6M With RTC

Shield GPS para Arduino basado en el módulo NEO-6M. Incluye RTC y zócalo para micro SD. Agregale la capacidad de tener GPS a tu proyecto con Arduino!
Peso: 0.030 Kg
Disponibilidad: En Stock
ARS 28502.00
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It’s based on NEO-6M GNSS GPS module , and the footprints is compatible with Arduino/MEGA boards. The regular GPS pins (RX, TX) can be connected to D0-D7 of Arduino.
Adding GPS to your Arduino has never been easier. Multiple GPS receivers attach easily to the shield, and with the example sketch (check below), you will be able to locate your exact position within a few meters. Here’s where we are. GPS also gives you amazingly accurate time! It’s suitable for the following applications with Arduino or Arduino compatible boards :
- Automotive navigation
- Personal positioning
- Fleet management
- Marine navigation
Package includes:
- GPS logger shield main board.
- All 4x arduino stackable pin header. This need be soldered by yourself.
- GPS antenna is NOT included.
Board Features:
- With MicroSD interface and RTC DS1307 time function, data with time and location info can be logged data into SD card.
- Active antenna design with high receive sensitivity, SMA/IPEX/UL/through-hole GPS connector all in one setup.
- Fast time (30 seconds ~ 1 minutes) position fix time
- Ultra low power consumption, for GPS is 25mA while working.
- Lead out hardware serial analog ADC pin headers.
- Default baud rate is 115200/R2, 9600/R3.
- On board 1PPS pulse and power LED, one arduino reset button.
- R3: extra user prototype soldering pin hole area.