
Breakout Cape

Breakout Cape

Módulo de conectrores que proveen accesibilidad a varios componentes de BeagleBone


Peso: 0.220 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 33511.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



The BeagleBone Breakout Cape provides accessibility to the various BeagleBone components during troubleshooting. If you are using a BeagleBone, there is a good chance your BeagleBone is stacked with one or more capes; If this happens, signals and testpoints on the topside of the BeagleBone will not be accessible. The BeagleBone Breakout Cape solves this problem by separating a BeagleBone and its cape on two different sets of connectors. Each BeagleBone Breakout Cape is made by thick PCB and equipped with six standoffs for stress endurance and stability.

Software Support & Compatibility

No software support is required by this board. All revisions are compatible with BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black.


Connectors Four 46-position headers

Mechanical Specifications

Size 3.55" x 9.05"
Layers 4
PCB Thickness .093"
RoHS Compliant Yes

Signal Usage


No signals are used by this cape.

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