
Audio Cape

Audio Cape

Módulo de audio para BeagleBone con entrada y salida estéreo de 96 KHz de velocidad de sampleo.


Peso: 0.100 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 91855.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



The BeagleBone Audio Cape provides stereo audio input and output for the BeagleBone by using the TLV320AIC3106 codec. Audio data is sampled at up to 96 kHz during recording or playback. The codec interfaces with the Multichannel Audio Serial Port of the AM335x via audio serial bus. The BeagleBone Audio Cape also features two standard 3.5mm audio jacks as audio input and output connectors.

Software Support

  • Supported by Angstrom release 08-14-12 or later.

Getting Started

Required setup:

  • A BeagleBone Audio Cape
  • A BeagleBone (with supported software)
  • A stereo speaker with a 3.5mm audio input jack
  • A 3.5mm male to male audio cable
  • A USB cable
  • A PC

Following the instructions below to start using your BeagleBone Audio Cape:

  1. Mount the BeagleBone Audio Cape on top of BeagleBone.
    • Note: The Ethernet connector on BeagleBone should fit right into the cutback on BeagleBone Audio.
  2. Make sure the micro SD card using with BeagleBone has latest Angstrom image.
  3. Connect the audio input jack of speakers to the audio output connector on the BeagleBone Audio.
  4. Connect the audio output from PC to the audio input connector on the BeagleBone Audio using a 3.5mm male to male audio cable.
  5. Open a media player on PC and play an audio file repeatedly.
  6. Connect the BeagleBone to PC using a USB cable. Remember the port number of this connection.
    • Note: In Windows, the serial port number can be viewed under “Ports (COM & LPT)” section inside “Device Manager”. To open the “Device Manager” windows, right-click “My Computer”, choose “Properties”, select the “Hardware” tab, and click “Device Manager”.
  7. Open a terminal application (Teraterm, Hyperterminal, etc) and open new connection with following settings: baud rate - 115200, data – 8 bit, parity – none, stop – 1 bit, flow control – none. Select the port corresponding to the USB connection. Log in as root.
  8. Change the ALSA mixer settings by running the command "alsamixer". A preset settings can also be downloaded here.
    • To apply the preset settings for ALSA mixer, copy the preset file "asound.state" to /var/lib/alsa/ on SD card.
  9. Start the audio test script by running the command "testaudio".
  10. The script will test the audio playback by playing a beep sound to speakers.
  11. The script will record 1 second of the currently playing audio file on PC and play it back to speakers.


Followings are some specifications of the BeagleBone Audio Cape:

Electrical Specifications
Power 3.3V via expansion header
5V via expansion header
Audio Connector 3.5mm standard stereo jack
Indicators Two user LEDs
Connectors Two 46-position headers
One 10-position header

Mechanical Specifications

Size 2.15" x 3.40"
Layers 4
PCB Thickness .062"
RoHS Compliant Yes

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