
Detector de umbral de temperatura

Temperature Threshold-Setting Module

Módulo detector de umbral de temperatura con salida analógica y digital.


Peso: 0.005 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 7389.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



This is an easy to use temperature monitoring module. With this module, you can easy to monitor the temperature to control you amplication. If the temperature is higher/lower than the threshold you set, with the on-board potentiometer, this module outputs signals to trigger your application. There is also a LED indicator to show the output status.

Adjust the on-board potentiometer to adjust the sensitivity. The module will output HIGH/LOW(the signal indicate LED ON/OFF) when the temperature is lower/higher than the threshold set by the potentiometer.

Application Idea

  • Temperature minitoring and alarming


  • On-board comparator LM393 to compare the current temperature with set temperature
  • Easy to use and implement
  • Digital & Analog output

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