
Arch BLE

Arch BLE

Board mBed basada en Nordic nRF51822 con módulo Bluetooth (BLE). Posee conectores compatibles con Arduino.

COD: SE810003001

Peso: 0.050 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 80373.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento



Arch BLE is an mbed enabled development board based Nordic nRF51822. With Arduino form factor and Grove connectors, it is extremely easy to create a bluetooth low energy device.
The nRF51822 is a powerful multi-protocol single chip solution for ULP wireless applications. It incorporates Nordic’s latest best-in-class performance radio transceiver, an ARM Cortex M0 CPU and 256kB flash + 16kB RAM memory. The nRF51822 supports Bluetooth® low energy and 2.4 GHz protocol stacks.


mbed enabled
•Online IDE
•Easy to use C/C++ SDK
•Handy libraries
CMSIS DAP based on LPC11U35
•Drag-n-drop programming
•Debug using CMSIS DAP standard
•USB virtual serial for communication
Arduino form factor with Grove connectors
Nordic nRF51822 Multi-protocol Bluetooth® 4.0 low energy/2.4GHz RF SoC
•ARM Cortex M0 processor
•256kB flash/16kB RAM
•Configurable I/O mapping for digital I/O
USB Micro B connector


Please visit our wiki page for more info about this product.

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